There are certain mathematical equations that Office users will need time and time again, so Microsoft decided to save everyone some time and effort by offering several built-in staples. These equations can be accessed by heading to the Symbols section of the Insert tab. Click the Equation dropdown and choose one of the built-in examples to.
When you try to edit an equation that was inserted using Equation Editor 3.0 in an Office application (such as Word), you see the following error:
Microsoft Equation is not available
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Equation Editor 3.0 was a third-party component built by Design Science ( that was included in many versions of Office, but due to security issues with its implementation has been removed. Office now includes a newer equation editor.
For more information about the security issue, see CVE-2017-11882 | Microsoft Office Memory Corruption Vulnerability.
While the new equation editor will not edit existing equations that were created by Equation Editor 3.0, it allows you to insert new equations, common equations, or ink equations written by hand. The equation function can be found in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint under the Insert tab.
For more information about inserting and editing equations, including a short video tutorial, see Write an equation or formula.
Alternatively, the third-party app MathType enables you to edit Equation Editor 3.0 equations without security issues. MathType is now part of the Wiris Suite. You can download a free MathType 30-day trial at: Welcome Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0 users
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Equations Editor For Office 365 Mac
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